Old Town Canoe Co. - E1574
Below are all the different types of Old Town Canoe Co.. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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Old 7own RUDDER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Contents Required tools 2 1 bolts El569 Phillips Screw Driver 4 Lg Washers El574 3 8 Wrench 2 Stamped washers E3000 2 3 8 lock nuts E1585 1 Rudder Procedure 1 Place the rudder in the rudder hole located at the stem end of the kayak Slip the attached split ring through the small hole in the end of the rudder s pivot bolt Illustration 1 2 Attach the stern ends of the cables to the outer holes on the rudder Place a stamped washer on each 1 bolt and drop them down through the holes on the rudder Place a large flat washer then the cable loop then another large flat washer onto the bolt and secure with a locknut NOTE Tighten the nut being careful to leave enough room for the cable to ...